
By kpickera

Neighbors at the end of our road

Most people think we live in a little cookie cutter neighborhood in suburbia. And, in some ways they are correct. In others, not so much. We were fortunate enough to be able to select the lot we wanted 15 years ago. We considered many things before making our decision. We are in the back of the neighborhood, where every road is a dead end into something. The south dead end is this - a cow pasture. This is what it has been for 15 years, and this is what we hope it will remain.

This pasture has provided lots of entertainment throughout the years - from feeding veggies to the cows with my children (and now grandchild), to watching sheriff's deputies trying to round up the loose cows on foot when the gate broke and the farmer could not be located. This is where I learned that a bull tossing sand on his back with his horns is not trying to rid himself of flies, he is MAD. (Back away slowly and walk home). The same bull met an early demise due to a bad lightning storm after couple of years in this pasture. Could be the metal ring in his nose attracted the lightning? None of us missed him, as he guarded the pasture making it impossible to feed the cows.

There have been only cows for several years now. A new gate has been installed, so there have been no escapees lately. I miss that. Today the cows got new hay. We are expecting a cold week, and the new bale will keep them fed. It is up to them to keep each other warm.

By the way - another lesson learned. It is a good idea to format the memory card occasionally on your camera. My photos from the last two days were deemed "unreadable" by the camera and computer. Lesson learned.

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