Eat, smoke, love, meow.

By Meowsers


I miss her. But not the way I did, I just. I miss my best friend, and rather than before, where it hurt like a sharp pierce to my skin, now there's an ache.

Not in my stomach, or my chest, but in my bones. I feel that in our time spent together she must have taken a part of me, snuck inside and plucked a piece of my being away to keep for herself.

I am filled with a dull pain that radiates through my skeleton.

Sometimes I feel I couldn't get out of bed, because I feel so heavy, not literally heavy, heavy in the sense that there is a weight pushing down so greatly upon me, that i cannot escape, and it leaves me here, alone.

I am trying to escape to the south, but I fear that this weight may follow, strapped to my back tightly. knotted in weakness.

I suppose I am just especially afraid, because in that moment I told the truth I knew that it could be the end. I know I may never know her again.

I tried to fill the emptiness with alcohol and food Even the drugs still pump through my veins. B-line to a broken heart.

I am hollowed further with each day, becoming empty. I used to be so full, I guess I got so full, I just couldn't have any more.

I miss the smile you lent me.

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