Light refreshments
Slept well last night and a nice lie in as only needed to be in at 11:00am. Sitting in on a technical seminar from a guy who is the don of molecular biology. Event fully catered with pizza, salad, cookies and soda. All to entice that elusive breed - the scientist - out of his usual habitat like tempting a hamster out with a bit of apple. About half of it left over. Such a waste!
Then I drove him over to my other site to repeat the talk there. Blipped is $200 worth of catering again in an attempt to bribe the customers out. This included a few tubs of ice cream, 1 plate of cookies, a bowl of fruit and some coffee. Again a lot of it was left over and wasted.
I then took the speaker down to the airport and did some chores. Working from home tomorrow.
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