
By MummaHen

More rusty horse-shoes

Visited the engineering works again and got some photos of their horse shoes by the old forge. They have nearly a hundred of old but unused shoes. The horse shoe nails makes me realise how thick horses toe nails or hooves are.

Incredibly windy today. The guys, including R, who were preparing The Challenge - an Ultra Ironman - were struggling to put up tents and finalise fences with the wind coming in off the lake. (and I do not mean guy ropes)

Big day tomorrow. they swim 3.8 km then bike 180 Km with a marathon run of 42.2Km to finish it all off. Top athletes do it in about 6 hours. If its windy tomorrow the times may be slower as the wind makes swimming hard with the waves, and biking into head winds is a killer.

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