Environmentally Friendly.

By MayukoKato


Perhaps the best thing about this capture is one) it was accidental, and two) it managed to contain all my feelings in one colourful.. leafy, image. The day started out with a resentful awakening and to my astonishment, I was the one coaxing my PARENTS out of bed this chilly, Monday morning!

Highlights and lowlights of the day included my near panic-attack building up to my presentation of my English speech to 25 other students, but was followed by a satisfying glance up to find two people in complete and utter.. breakdown. Tears and all. You might be sharing some befuddlement toward the idea of me taking pleasure in other people's sobs (however sadistic I may seem), but my speech was in fact about my best friend, 3:45 minutes of pouring out my heart of the day we met, the day I was put in her class, and the day where she up-skirted me in front of the whole school's production cast.

Anna Mary Little may be the best thing to happen to me, and she knows it. c;

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