
By Drysailor

Vetera 1

This is the Site of the first Roman Fort which was built to protect the building of the town of ,now, Xanten. It was garrisoned by 2 Legions of Auxillary soldiers, who were quickly defeated by the Batavians (todays Holland) during their Uprising.
The Romans returned, 1 year later with the A Team, ie 3 Roman Legions who suppressed the up rising. Here a new fort was built, Vetera 2, which was closer to the Rhine and the Town. ( Legions were never allowed into a town) This Fort was only protected by a ditch and wooden Palisade. You can see today the shape of the fort and its defences by the different colours of the grass, it is even now to be seen but not as clearly as in summer. The majority is in the wooded Copse in the background. 2,000 years old and you can still see where the Romans were.

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