Gaia's Child

By maura143


the Goddess!

There was Great Rejoicing today in Squirrel Land. The Goddess Kuan Yin, so true to her ever compassionate Nature, made time in Her unbelievably busy schedule as beloved goddess to over a billion people, to visit the Squirrel Clan!

The Squirrels were beside themselves with joy. One First Year, who could not contain herself, ran up to embrace Kuan Yin, much to the delight of the Goddess. The Elders were horrified and immediately called the youngster back. But when they saw the Radiant Smile on the face of the Compassionate One, they breathed a collective Sigh of Relief!

Magically Peanuts, the Squirrel Clan's favorite food, appeared on Kuan Yin's mantle and she tossed them to the amazed Squirrels. She then bade them a farewell, since She had many more Clans yet to Visit…promising that She would return and that they should be kind and excellent with each other. And She slowly disappeared right there in front of their very eyes.

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