
By Blippingvicar

All Saints, Four Oaks

I've missed our little chats over the week, but rather than struggle with a daily blip I'm going to do my best to do a photographic project when I get a day off. I decided to have another go at using B & W film today, but my plan to do some shots in Birmingham were thwarted by lack of time. Instead I took a few detail shots around the church, as well as one or two outside.
I did find I was being more careful looking through the viewfinder and knowing that I couldn't instantly check my images, but I've completely forgotten what my settings were! This was shot with my Canon AE1P, Tokina 24mm lens and Ilford Delta 400 film (use by Oct 2004!) Scanned using an old Microtek Scanmaker 35T, then played with in Lightroom and Silver Efex Pro.

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