anything you can do I can do brighter
This cone and steward were deliberately ignoring each other as I passed yesterday evening. Maybe the steward had annoyed the cone by being properly fluourescent rather than just brightishly-coloured. Maybe the cone had made a crack about the steward's walking boots looking a little too big for his spindly calves. Maybe the hairlessness of the calves prompted to cone to suggest that it was still quite hard to be certain that the steward was indeed a steward and not a stewardess despite the stance, narrow hips, attire and apparent height. I'd like to have been able to help but the high-ISO graininess and rainblur mean that I can't see if there are any hairs on the legs even at 100% and I didn't get any clear shots of the face or hands.
Respect to those still turning up for the moonwalk last night despite the inclement weather. Maybe the reason the entry fee is so high is to make sure people still do it even if it rains a little. Hopefully those for whom 26 or even just 13 miles was a strange new experience will be reassured that walking is what we've evolved to be good at and will walk more frequently hereafter. Nicky didn't enter so we'll just donate something online somewhere without spending a large administration fee on a cap, T-shirt, massive tent and a large inflateable moon. There appeared to be a second moon at the north end of Middle Meadow Walk but it was as yet unlit. Maybe that was the finishing-moon and would be lit later.
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