If I had this meal in a restaurant, I'd be happy..

Something Dave likes to say to tease the kids from time to time and tonight, we really, really meant it.

We feel we got the rotisserie lamb down to a fine art now. Its important to get a good quality piece of meat. Luckily New World had their top range lamb on special today. This bit was $30 but it will do us a few meals. I made up a baste - I use olive oil, a good tbsp marmalade, hickory sauce and balsamic vinegar. We basted about 6 times over the 1½ hours cooking time. I figured the marmalade would caramalise and seal which is exactly what it did and it made a lovely sweet crisp coating.

I made the potato salad and Dave made his now famous beetroot and haloumi salad. Actually it isn't really his, you can make it yourself from looking here.

As you can see, Maggie thought she was going to be the guest of honour and had to be disabused of that notion! But she did get a little of the meat for being a cutie.

Mum you can partake of the next one!

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