
By Wanderers13

I look Up To Him

Today is bird count day on Mull and J is out with both lots of neighbours who hope to spot 58-60 varieties.

My role was to take our lovely pusscat Black and White Boy to the vet lady, he has an ear infection and will need drops in both ears twice a day. What fun......poor boy. The morning was cold and drizzly and to my eye when driving the 40 mile round trip most birds had scarpered. Occasionally a hooded crow would come into view.

No doubt our birders will be writing madly with two of the group experienced wild life experts and five pairs of eyes with bino's scanning the country side. In recent years when out looking for birds the atmosphere inside the car becomes competitive, who can spot a bird not on the list. At the end of the day all groups stop looking at a set time and meet for tea and cake to establish who counted the most varieties. I think last year we came second, pipped to the post by two birds. I wait with baited breath.... The overall purpose is to annually monitor bird life on the island.

I wanted to capture a blip on the way home from the vet and liked these two standing above the road.

Update on bird count J and team counted 61 varieties, joint winners.

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