The Little Acorn

By thelittleacorn

Buongiorno, principe!

Although I've known him for years, it wasn't until recently that we've been hanging out and really spending time together. He practically moved next door and for a while, he was even a "fourth" roommate, as my roommates would tease. Good thing I have an unlimited messaging data plan because my usage has surely spiked these last couple months!

Every night, before I go to sleep, I wish him good night and every morning when I wake up, I think of him and wish him a good morning. Ever since we watched "Life Is Beautiful", I would say "Buongiorno, principe!" I might not always send him a message, but he's definitely on my mind. Every. Day.

Last night, he subtly mentioned, "If we're gonna do this, let's go all the way. I can move in for $500? Ok, I'll do it." Not really sure what that meant. Sometimes he says things that are very cryptic. Ok, actually he does that a lot. Only he understands what he says and knows what goes on in his head. But he sure is intriguing.

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