Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView

The Misadventures of Percy Pigeon

Hubby and I were walking through The Lanes in Brighton when, above the front door of a shop called Pecksniffs, we heard loud screeching and squawking noises. When we looked up we noticed a squab (a young pigeon) being evicted from the nest by its squabbling siblings. I stood under the nest just as the squab fell and thankfully caught it in both hands.

The owner of a jewellery shop witnessed this and took us inside whilst we waited for a volunteer from Rogers Wildlife Rescue to come and collect the badly pecked squab.

Apparently Percy has a 50/50 chance of survival and I am to telephone tomorrow afternoon to find out how it's doing. I will keep you all posted.

My apologies for a poor quality capture, but this just had to be my blip entry for today.

Update:17.30. I've telephoned the wildlife rescue centre. Percy apparently is about 10 weeks old and is doing well. He's been given antibiotics for his wounds and has been fed and watered.

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