
By SueL7

Early morning rain in Liverpuddle!

Not a good morning for photography! I took this while waiting, in the rain, for a bus early this morning.

Poor Katherine. She has done so well, the consultant said that provided her X ray was OK she could go home, and he felt sure that it would be.However, later on, all packed, and Steve had arrived from Wales to fetch her, the registrar came along and rather sheepishly broke the news to her that the bone graft they put in her neck was misaligned. So, she has to stay for a couple more days. The op to rectify the problem is a "quickie", "five minutes", so it should be a breeze!
After her initial disappointment Katherine was quite philosophical, realising it's better to get this all sorted before she goes home.

The weather forecast for tomorrow is really good, so I will go into Liverpool really early to catch the light.

Thanks again for all your concerned comments. I'm so grateful to all you Blippers - Blip has been a great companion! I only have my Ipad with me, but it's fun!

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