
Is this Rose it's a climber and flowers in the summer months
but it's out now, in the summer it has a lovely perfume but
this one has none!! Last night I gave Mr lemmy a full body
massage in my nursy uniform
NOT heeheehee but I did
massage his sore knee and he said it felt a lot better he also
said Lemmy you have healing hands............Today his knee
is sick again, so I think he should take a trip to the quack but
knowing him he won't, we shall see. We popped over to see
our No1 G'daughter today to see fotos of their dirty weekend
in London they loved it but she said the footy match freezing
they went to madam thingymebobs the wax works thingy she
said it was good but not worth £60 heyho. Hope your all having
a loverrly day, it's wild and wet up here.

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