Risk Assessment
I bought a new pair of trousers when I was in London last week but they needed turning up slightly. When I asked my wife, Happyframe, if she would do this for me the following conversation ensued.
HF - How much do you want turning up?
DD - Not too much. Just to take them off the floor.
HF - I think they are ok as they are.
DD - No. I don't want them trailing on the floor like all the kids have them these days. They are a health and safety hazard!
Both wife and daughter had a great time making fun of me for some hours after.
Imagine my response when I came home from work yesterday to find that HF had turned the offending trousers up and Bananablip had pressed them and left this note on them.
Can a man command no respect in his house these days?
The risk assessment question is; Do I keep them or not?
The family that is, not the trousers!
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