
By Chook

A falling Leonardo hit me in the face

Late for dinner at Pascoe tonight.
At work two hours longer than meant to be.
If I didn't have somewhere else to be, I wouldn't have been the slightest bit fussed about leaving that late- such interesting patients.
Must be refreshed after holidays.
And a bit of a nerd.

Family dinner ahead of L going on holiday for six weeks - meeting B in Europe. His first holiday in a long time, think he's a teeny bit excited. B, meanwhile, is still in Kilifi for a couple more days and having close encounters with beached whales. Never a dull moment over there.

Played around tonight with C's mac and photo booth. Face-distorting effects in this program are very funny. Definitely works better with faces than toys. Dismal attempt at a creative picture with B's old ninja turtle figurines (and then got clobbered in the face while trying to stand them back up on the shelf), so here's one of me instead using the glow setting.

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