S1 - Another Day

By S1

Look what I built!

Another day at home as poor CJ is still not the best. However, he is definitely on the improve as his mischievous side came out again today.

I was doing the dishes and he went very quiet - I went to investigate... And found CJ with a mouth full of chocolate. He had managed to open a box of chocolate cats that had fallen off the shelf in the lounge - luckily there was only one left for him to steal!

But it didn't stop there.

He had a very busy afternoon carrying some boxes into his play room so he could build a ladder to the window. The reason, so he could be waiting for when daddy arrived home in his car. Our normal routine is that I would hold him by the window, but only when S2 was in the street and driveway. However, with the new ladder he could watch out whenever he wanted and for as long as he wanted!

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