
The river is frozen again after the January thaw that only lasted a few days. But I broke free...finally. After spending most of the week inside trying to shake off a nasty cold, I went out this afternoon for a photo walk. Despite very cold temperature, there was a tiny bit of blue sky, so I bundled up with multiple layers from top to bottom and enjoyed my first walk in over a week. I have posted pictures of the freshly-frozen river here and some of the birds and deer here, but chose this little doe for today's blip because she is so graceful. Look closely and you will see some tiny icicles on her chin. That's how cold it was today. Thanks to everyone who took time to look at and comment on my two quick blips this week and to wish me well. It was a huge help, and I am feeling much better tonight. Blippers are such special, caring, thoughtful people!

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