Window shopping with my boys in Leavenworth

We took a day trip over the pass today to the small Bavarian style tourist town of Leavenworth for their annual Ice Fest. An early morning rise allowed me to enjoy one of the most beautiful sunrises with my coffee before piling in the car with way more gear than we needed for our 12 hour outing.

Gorgeous drive over Steven's Pass with only a glimpse of snow due to our poor yield this Winter. Sadly, we didn't get to put the sled to use. This was Alex's first visit to Leavenworth as Isaac and I haven't been since before he was born. He wasn't impressed at first, especially since there was no snow, but quickly "warmed up" and enjoyed all the kids activities they had for Ice Fest.

We enjoyed crepes and coffee, loads and loads of kettle corn (thanks to my severely allergic son. . .we had to get him something he could enjoy), beer outside in 30 degree coziness at Icicle Brewing Co., and pizza for dinner before we loaded back into the CRV and headed home. Fun day with my boys and definitely marking this one down as a success in our book of day trips.

Although this wasn't the best picture I took today, I had to make it my Blip as it made me laugh so hard to see what the guys were drawn to as we walked the streets. Ok, I may have pointed it out to them, but I knew it would hold their attention for a bit and make them laugh.

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