Dr Jones

By jones

Three hours at the dentist

The girls and I had an appointment at the dentist today, Daughter #1 and I had a check up and daughter 2 was supposed to have two baby teeth taken out. I thought it was best for her to go first but she soon leapt out of the chair when she heard the clanking of the dentist's tools. She his behind a chair and was still there an hour later. There was no getting her back on the chair. I couldn't stay so hubby came over and took over. The dentist told her to wait in reception and if she had a gap between her other patients, she would try and fit her in. Three hours later they came home and the teeth had not been extracted. The dentist had given her the option many times but she kept saying she wasn't ready.
Daughter #1 was in a foul mood when she came home and refused to go to kayaking training. She said that she had wasted three hours sitting waiting for her sister to pluck up the courage.
She now has another appointment next Thursday.

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