Happy Roo

By ksfbonkers

Oh do come on Joe!

A bit of a messy walk - in more ways than one. My peoples had planned a walk to take us to the river but every way we tried to go was impossible. The river had flooded so badly that all the meadows and footpaths nearby were impassable.

We did find a way through. This path you can see was so flooded that other walkers warned us that the water would go over my peoples boots. Which begs the question why they wear boots in the first place? Another path was closed due to flood damage to a footbridge we needed to use. We were, however, able to cross some field they call a 'golf course' and use a pristine white bridge intended for 'golfers' (as long as we weren't caught!) All very nice. Surprised to see herons and swans in the middle of a 'golf course'. I don't think they should have been there.

Anyway, I was off on my wanders after rabbits at a point when my peoples decided that I needed to be restrained for a bit which is why Joe was calling me with a promise of a bit of sausage. Here I am trying to persuade Joe to hurry up as I am such a good deserving dog, obviously!

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