The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Time Flies...

...when you're having fun!

1000 blips already. And today we caught up with all our pals so it was great to be able to all have a photo together. Happy, healthy, smiling faces, what more could you ask for! Unfortunately the girls couldn't be there and they leave with Paul tonight, so they will have to be on my birthday blip on Friday!

I do love blipping and I've made some lovely friends along the last 1000 blips. I must thank Kirsty, Susie, LeeAnne, Ruby, Max et al, Maldo, Maggie, Pete, MrAshley, DawgGal, Dr Twitcher, Ripitup and Dancing Ninja...they always make me smile and warm my heart with their tales. I've had the good fortune to meet four of them (plus Brian!) and my life is certainly richer, thanks to all these lovely people whom I share my tales with each day.

I started my journal for Paul, as he embarked on his new job overseas. Since Day One he has been here, Kathmandu, back home and now to Cannock. My Mum and Dad have joined blip, as has my good friend Anna...and Paul has been known to share the odd blip pic too!

I made my first 365 book last week and loved looking back on all the memories. Books two and three are soon to follow and I know that my daily blips will continue. So I think I might raise a wee glass to my lovely husband, wonderful girls, fabulous family, friends and blip's to the first 1000 and the next 1000 to come!

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