The Light Room

By Johndmcck

Red Kite Surprise!

It was meant to be a short research trip this afternoon. There were certain questions; was the reserve still underwater? how was the camera (new to me) going to react to its first proper use with my old lenses? The afternoon started off as a technical experiment in a favoured location, the camera reacting well to the good quality light of this very spring-like weather. The reserve itself wasn't as bad as I had thought, though some areas are still flooded and if you wanted to walk the perimeter you needed good wellies and/or waders – I had some old walking boots.
On the return walk I was startled by this Red Kite, landed just a few metres away. It too was startled by me, and as we both worked out what to do, I tried to coordinate my fingers to try and get a good picture. Chuffed with seeing such great sight (I love the Kites, you may know) I returned to the car and started the journey home – but didn't get far. On a hill I noticed at least half-a-dozen Red Kites! I stopped the car, and couldn't believe my eyes. In the warm sunlight I watched them swooping across the road and fields, as they seemed to be targeting a lay-by where there was undoubtedly food stuffs left behind. I'll be back to this location in future, hoping for more of the same.

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