
By Blownoutsky

Over and out

The Southard, Carrickfergus.

LK and I ran up the road to meet CS, E-1 and E-2, both of whom are lovely (in their respective 3 year-old and 3 month-old ways!). E-1 spent most of the afternoon in the soft play area - it's a hard life.

This blip and the two previous posts were thrown up in a hurry on Sunday night. I felt bad that I didnt have the time or mental energy to add a few words to each. Last week I was stressing about taking a shot a day, which I'm getting over with the iphone app and indoor tabletop stuff, but I am now feeling guilty about the lack of narrative. Is Blipfoto going to be a succession of sticks for me to hit myself with?!

In other, more positive, photographic news, I even stopped on the way home to dry-run a shot I have been thinking about for a few weeks. It's five minutes from the house but depends on time and tide - want to capture lights and reflection in a (full) tidal inlet. So I'm keeping an eye on tide tables!

I'm also getting better at discarding the multiple versions of each shot. I'm definitely still learning the connection between Av, Tv and ISO (I know how they are linked but can't instinctively set up and just shoot, so there's always various subtley different shots. I don't know if somebody famous said "pick the one that tells the story best" or if I've made that one up myself but I'm trying to adopt itas a manifesto when editing/discarding.

So - 5% into the 365 project, on track, and learning as I go. Maybe I'm doing ok after all!

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