
By shannonkerley

Double Rainbow

The weather was pretty crappy all day.

Woke up around 10:30, went on a run, and ended up at the Papal Audience (how cool is that?) So cool.

When I got back everyone was waking up. We decided that even though it was raining, we'd attempt to do some sight seeing. I of course got a rice ball for lunch and while we were eating them it started to downpour. We debated staying in again and watching a movie, but decided we'd give it a shot.

After some confusion about how to buy metro tickets, we made it. Lepanto to Barberini, about a 15 minute ride.

Once out of the metro we walked a few blocks to the Trevi Fountain. I took about a thousand pictures and we got a couple really nice group photos.

I made a few wishes as well.

After we were done there, we walked a bit to the Spanish Steps. On the walk there it started raining again and once we got there the downpour really set in. All of the sudden the sun started peaking through though, and we ended up seeing a double rainbow right over the steps (thanks Bepa). It was so beautiful and I was so happy. The rain was so heavy I looked like I had just showered and my hair was still wet. The perfect kind of rain.

Down to the Metro and back to school we went. At this point we hadn't planned anything for dinner but we split up to get dry and comfy. After about an hour or so we decided to go to the American Cafe called Frizzo for dinner.

Got dressed and went downstairs and on the 10 minute walk down the block it began raining, thundering, lightning, and hailing all at once. It was like nothing I've ever experienced, but thankfully it was a short walk.

This might be a popular dinner choice for the semester. It satisfied all my American food cravings. I got a turkey sandwich, fries, and a coke. Delicious. And the perfect portion too.

Today might have been the worst so far weather wise, but I still had a fantastic day.

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