Gaia's Child

By maura143

Blowin' in the Wind

Had all the best intentions of getting up this morning and greeting the Sandhill Cranes as they dropped onto their feeding grounds at the Univ. of FL's Beef Unit. When the alarm woke me it was 30F! Now…I'm a Florida Girl, born and raised in Miami! As much as I truly wanted to Blip a Crane shot for you today…nope…that wasn't gonna happen!

So…these substitute Cranes are made of PVC by a local woman. She also creates beautiful Flamingos, Herons, Bluejays, and Cardinals. I have a pair of her Flamingos by my pond and these Cranes will be on display in my yard for as long as their Real counterparts are vacationing here in North Central Florida. When they begin their long flight back to their breeding grounds in the North, I will carefully store these away until next year when we hear the first Sandhills winging their way to their Winter home.

Our Garden Gnome keeps his eye on these rather large birds ;)

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