I forgot............

............ to bring my camera charger home *sigh* and what happened last night while I was on the Southbank, the battery died and the spare wasn't charged. The memory card won't fit into eth slot its supposed to why I don't know, so today it was a bit of an emergency with the spare - thank goodness for the D3200 otherwise I'd have to have used the Playbook!

It was a good day by brother came over armed with heaps of "bits" to fix my list of snags. He started off with washers for the bath tap as the ones on there were rubber and worn which is why when I tightened the nut it leaked worse. He then fixed the sink tap. Followed by the toilet, which sounded like gremlins were hammering the pipes after every flush - fortunately its not on my neighbours side. Of course last week when he came to see what needed doing, he tried to put on the bathroom light I said erm it doesn't work, it hasn't worked for over 2 years so he came with a new pull down thing screwed that in and also put a new light in. Originally he was going to just change the bulb but after he commented that it wasn't very safe so I said actually I have a new one (had it for longer than I care to remember) so he did that too. Now I have all dry and shiny new bits in the bathroom and toilet - yay to my brother.

After he left he was going round to his mother-in-law to fit bits round her house, so I can safely say normal service has returned my brother must be back to 100% health

Sadly I've just had a bath and I forgot the light was fixed so did as I normally do in semi dark with only the hall light :)

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