
By bananablip

just stuff

for those of you who follow my blip, i have been contemplating spending some of my savings on some new equipment: a couple of lenses, flashgun, tripod etc. it took weeks of ummming and ahhhhing and in-depth chats with my parents (i'm not very good at spending money!) before i made my decision. photography is something that i love and as i don't really drink, smoke, gamble or anything like that i decided to go for it.


flashgun arrived yesterday. delighted. everything else arrived today. double delighted. it was like christmas!

the shot above was taken rather quickly with my 10-20mm ultra wide angle. i've not really had much chance to mess around with it so it hasn't been used to it's full potential. much experimenting to be done over the next few weeks.

on another note: i spent the morning helping an old lady from our church go through her study. her husband, sister and brother all died within a relatively small amount of time and so there was masses of paperwork and boxes to sort through. it was a really, really interesting morning. thank goodness we can leave happy memories behind when we die. otherwise all that would be left is a pile of paperwork.

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