
By WeeDragon_J

Toilet Trouble

Didn't get much tidying up done over the weekend after workmen, but decided to clean my newish bathroom, the one that I had to get the new floor lifted to put new boiler pipes - heating in ;-( Ggrrrr Anyway, whilst tidying, the toilet lid is one of those self-closing ones, and it just decided it would keep closing whilst I was cleaning. I can see this is going to be a problem for some males aiming practice.

So, but if YOU make a mess of my newish bathroom, YOU can tidy it up! Or YOU will sit on it!!!

Incase you haven't guessed, I've had a bad day of phoning people and them not getting back to me - plumbers and heating folk!

The clean toilet is the most polite thing I could send as a blip right now!

Sorry folks!

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