Bottled beer..

..37.5 pints for about £15, about 40 pence per pint!

And most of it tastes OK!

The rest of the day has been pottering. I planted some Kohl Rabi seed, 20 each of two varieties in cells in the propagator. I've sieved one of the raised beds in the polytunel (that's about half of them done now) to get rid of the large stones, which then act as hardcore for the concrete paths. I mixed in a third of a bag of compost, and planted some of last years pea seed. These are grown just for the tips, which make a lovely garnish for salads. Planted a bed of salad leaves, and 5 four foot rows of coriander. Pottered in the shed, and tidied up a bit in the greenhouse.

Also planted some plants, epimediums and knipophia, that I got cheap in the autumn behind the polytunnel. Hopefully they'll spread and form some ground cover..

Mostly dry today, with a couple of showers. It's been bright, but felt damp and cold..

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