Rain stopped play
No outdoors lunch today. We did manage an outdoors dinner, but only by fiercely denying that that wet stuff was rain (don't worry, it had eased off!) We've had 1.5 inches of rain since last night (the kids left a tupperware outside which is how I know.)
Stuck inside all day the kids went daft with frustration. So did I with only ironing to keep me busy. Also my finger has swollen up. I react badly to bites from insects and must have been bitten on my knuckle last night outside. I take antihistamines every day when I'm somewhere I might get bitten, but despite that my ring finger is twice its normal size and I can't get my ring off (which makes me feel slightly claustrophobic, like getting stuck while taking off a tight jumper... no? Just me then.)
Did plan my first blip series though for later in the month. (It's not very exciting, so don't get your hopes up or anything.)
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