A Dog's Dinner

By G

Life Copying Art?

Today I found some pretty foul and juvenile racist graffiti on the way to work, but the consensus in the studio was that I shouldn't put it up on Blip.

Why? Well why make some people angry? Why be confrontational and why give it the 'oxygen of publicity?

Tomorrow night, in the UK, the Leader of the British National Party, the extreme right wing and racist political party will appear on the BBC alongside mainstream political representatives to defend and promote his position. Is it a good idea? The same problem just a different scale.

We were also having a Beatle fest today sort of rediscovering how good they were as writers and players, and would you believe on the way home I saw all these people like extras from 'Eleanor Rigby. Eating their evening meal by themselves in a supermarket.

"Where do they all come from?"

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