Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Just because…..

…..I liked the green bike at the front. And it made me think of a certain blipper that may like it too.
A line of bikes at the hospital.

I woke this morning feeling quite numb and low. I knew I had to get out to the hospital, waited to the last possible moment to shower and get along to pick Mum up.

When we got there the curtains were round grandma and she had the Dr in with her. She has been diagnosed with a few things and has been given certain medication that she could cope with at home. But she is not going home; she is going straight to the care home that she has looked at which has just been decided in the meeting this morning, so lots of organising that goes along with that now starts. Mum commented that it is quite good that I’m off just now to help! It’s not why I’m off and don’t know I am going to cope with this added issue.

She is upset that she won’t be back at home anymore and is getting really confused and upset by it all. I ended up in tears too as it’s all too much to take in. It was hard leaving her today.
I went back to her flat to pick a few things and it is horrible knowing she won’t ever be back there.

Came home and can’t stop the tears.
Tomorrow I need a plan to keep me busy as I’ll be up for the Dr early and will have a long day ahead of me. I am trying not to sit on the sofa all day.

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