
I was up at 130am with Minnie and it was very frosty then so it was no surprise to see a heavy frost this morning.

This photo was taken at 12noon and it was still frosty :0

Mum and Steve arrived back from Austria in the early hours of the morning alarmingly they made it in the house, up to the top floor past us and all three dogs without any of us waking up - so much for guard dogs!. Mum looked after Minnie for an hour so I could do a spot of ironing and she had some much enjoyed time munching Minnie.

I then headed to Little Explorers with Steph and Ella. What an experience....we walked in and the woman running it said we were the first people to come to the class for three weeks.......we decided to stay but to be honest the woman running it was more interested in telling us about her own two children, how that Sure Start centre should be closed down as no one ever went there and how she wasnt sure of the words to some of the songs. Such a shame as these centres are great for socialising but we wont go back to this one - neither of us had been to this group before. We will go to the centres we have been to before and keep to the library on Wednesday and Friday! Neither Minnie or Ella got anything from the class, especially because she kept changing the CDs over to find the songs she was meant to be playing as they were not all on one CD - it was very strange! It was great to Steph and Ella, and I was glad I wasnt the only one there!

Home and Minnie napped for 2 hours then we went for a dog walk and I came home to cook a roast dinner for us all. Bath for Minnie and she is now asleep - lets see how long for tonight!

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