
By elk922

Look who I found

Today was MLK day and the unit was shorter staffed than usual. I had a decent day. I don't know if I will ever get used to the rounding though. We rounded for 3.5 hours this morning and they talk about stuff that I basically understood none of the entire time. Unfortunately I have an inability to pay attention that long, so I just stand there and try to at least look at the presenter instead of stare off into space the entire time. After rounds this morning I needed some coffee so I got some and hung out doing random tasks the rest of the afternoon. Unfortunately my throat began with that itchy feeling which quickly turns into a painful to swallow situation and then you know it is downhill from there. I ended up going home about 2 hours early because of throat and headaches. It was nice to lay on my couch but honestly I just want to sleep. It's not even 8 pm yet and I'm in my bed ready to turn off the lights when I'm done.
Side bar: the Star Wars men were wandering around the PICU hallways today so I snagged a pic. I know when to grab them a little better now, especially since this is my 20th day in a row! Yay for New Years resolutions making it to the three week mark :)

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