Uncut & Unabashed

By colormesanguine


Fluffy came upstairs to wake me up about four different times within a 2-hour span. I'm not too sure that she wanted to visit me as much as she just wanted to look outside my window. Through it she can see if any squirrels are running across the roof of the garage. So it's pretty much a million-dollar view for her.

Today was filled with binge-watching the entire first season of The Mindy Project. It was terrible and amazing at the same time. Mostly terrible because I was doing all this to avoid my school work. 400 words on the common core standards and how they will affect science education. Not a walk in the beach.

But as usual I got through it quickly and painlessly. I just get so much anxiety from the anticipation of doing my work which causes me to procrastinate. It's a really detrimental process.

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