
By Dotspan


I was early for my appointment. I drove by MARTELLI'S and the display window called me. I had to go in. Once I did I could see why this is the place to go if a unique gift is needed. "Make Someone Smile" was the welcoming sign as well as the one that read "Our flowers make a difference . . ."

I love peacocks . . .especially the colors of the feathers - this serving platter caught my eye. It was just beautiful. That's a reflection of me in my purple jacket - taking the picture.

I did need a gift and found several very special items however everything was more than I had wanted to spend. The flowers were also lovely. It was a great way to spend an enjoyable hour - just browsing around and taking pictures for today's blip.

Anyone know what the writing says ? . . the florist had no idea . . .

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