Journey Through Time

By Sue

Columbia River Gorge from Cape Horn

We took a little ride today to enjoy the mostly blue skies. I blipped this before, only from higher up at a lookout, here. It looks remarkably the same, since the weather was identical..cold and windy. And it WAS windy, with howling wind rushing from one end of the gorge to the other, east to west. We pulled up to the side of road where this view is and I dared not even try to open my car door, lest it was ripped off of the car and sent sailing to Portland. Well, it wouldn't have done that, but still. There were gusts up to 87 mph at Crown Point, which is almost across the Columbia in Oregon from where we were, hence the white caps on the river. That tug is pushing a barge of sawdust towards Portland/Vancouver. We think it's sawdust anyway.

It would have been interesting standing here, or better yet...on top of this mountain, when the Missoula Floods came rushing down this gorge. I find this bit of ancient "geology" (not sure what it is, actually) vastly interesting. You can read an interesting article here.

I was contacted today by a man up in Longview, Washington who saw my photos on Panoramio of R. A. Long High School which is right by Lake Sacajawea where we have gone in the fall to take glorious autumn photos. He wants to use my photo in an invitation to a class reunion. This fella is 77 years old and he was a delight to talk to on the phone, maybe because he thought my images were the best thing since sliced bread. I kept thinking..."is he looking at MY pictures?" So, permission was given and he's happy and I'm honored that they took the time and trouble to try to find me.

Tomorrow I am taking Auntie to errands and I am dropping off my camera to have the sensor cleaned. Exciting, huh?

I watched Sherlock Holmes last night on OPB...we are later in getting it than the UK. I loved it. I didn't see all of the past series, and I wish the station would re-run the whole thing, so I could catch up a little. Lots of fun and I really enjoyed it.

See ya

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