
By annabelrosewats

Oxford bars

Changed hostels today. Took the train to Bondi junction and then the bus from there to Bondi. Had to wait until 12 to get checked into the hostel. Finally checked in and put my sheets onto the top bunk. Luckily a girl was signing out so I then took the sheets of the top bunk and switched it to the bottom bunk. So much better than the top bunk. Bought some food to cook for tonight.
Went to cook pasta but there was no pan so me and this German guy shared an absolutely massive pan and just combined our pasta!! Chatted to a guy from Sweden there too. Finally made the pasta!! Whilst the Swedish guy and I were chatting the German guy asked for a hankie as he put way too much chillies in his pasta. We both had a bit of a laughing fit as he went sooo red. I was going to have an early night but I was asked out by my German friends so I headed out to central. However I got off at the wrong place so got a train from Martin place to central and then had to walk to Oxford street. Met with all there including 2 German girls that stay in the same flat as them. We met their gay friend and I think we went to a gay club which was very strange. I ordered 2 shots but somehow got felt very good!! We decided to leave the club and went to get some drinks from the bottle shop. We all went to find a place to drink it. The place we went had a street with 7 police cars and the police station to the left. Living on the edge!! We then went back to the club and then headed to Coogee. We all went for a swim in the sea which was a lot of fun. Stayed with them all as they said I shouldn't head back by myself. Comfy sofa night!

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