electric glass

By electricglass

Empty Court.

Why is it I am so drawn to tennis courts. I've only really started goofing off playing it with friend in the last 5 years. But never serious. I'm not even positive on scoring increments.

This was the only digital photo I took yesterday. I did take 36 "Shadow Study" Photos for class around campus. I felt this was the one that was blip worthy.

Maybe it was the sky. And such cool angles on the shadows.

and for post processing:
A tad under exposed.
So upped exposure, for everything. Upped Highlights so you could see the ground. Upped contrast and definition.
Then decided I wanted an otherworldly look to it so upped the Vibrancy.

Thanks everyone for all the wonderful comments on my 300th blip! I really appreciate them all!

And I'll be posting my 301st photo once I have all the scanner software on the computer and scan in a print I made on tuesday.

Have a wonderful day everyone!

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