Another day dawns.....

..... on "my" tree. I am still waiting for a snowy day to get my winter picture for the series. If you click on the little "one year ago picture" (below right) you will see how snowy it was then.

365 blips today. I started daily photos before I found blip, so in one way its just another day........but its still a good opportunity to pass on thanks.

Huge thanks to everyone who comments and encourages - especially regular commenters on blip and Facebook and in 'real life'. Thanks also to family and patient dog who put up with the time I spend stopping to take photographs and then to post them. Thanks to the people and pets who have been the subjects of a few of my blips. Finally, thanks to Blipfoto - the site is a joy to use and to look at - and well worth the membership fee to keep advert free.

A tune to celebrate - so many of my blips are of the Forth and Tay that it has to be The River

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