Over the Horizon

By overthehorizon

Camera trapping

We returned to Gasualpampa today on a mission to set up more camera traps. Two down from the hike yesterday and three planned for today. This time we arent fortunate enough to have Stu?s sage stories and infectious good humor, but we have the sun and the wind rippling through the grass in flower, bright flamboyant birds, and the tangible physical joy of these senses.

In a deep cool gorge with a small stream flowing through the middle, a plethora of mosses and liverworts populating the banks we set our camera traps. Supposedly a bear calls this dark abode home and the cameras may just capture a candid moment. Picnicing in the grass of the clearing sitting atop a boulder munching platano chifles and PB&J we enjoyed the view. A sublime October day.

One more to go further up the trail from yesterday. A steep angle passing under a high fallen tree trunk in the path is the place. An excellent view and an excellent frame await to be taken here. Sloshing through the stream, muddy with cow hoof prints we walked back and bird watched that afternoon in Gusualpampa valley. Turqouise jays, yellow mountina caciques, and masked flower piercers.

My blip radar seemed to be off today and I came back with few shots I was happy with. In the end I just had to show off this Asteraceae, one of many such wildflowers in bloom this time of the year dotting the mountainsides of the Eastern Andean paramo. This is a black and white with a graduated tint radiating outward. Werneria nubigena; basal rosettes up to 15cm in diameter hugging the ground. Distributed from S. Mexico to Bolivia.

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