"Bye bye baby"

Audrey's No Nap Monday backfired and today I had a grouchy little toddler on my hands. Drank wine with my sister and got to bed late, so wasn't in the best of moods to deal with her either.

Grouchy little Mummy joined Grouchy little Toddler and we battled through Tuesday best we could.

She tried to nap in the pram on our morning walk but I woke her with an apple as I wanted her to go down properly at lunchtime. Maybe that was a mistake as yet again she wouldn't nap today at her normal time.

Got her up in the end and played with her and tried again at 2.30pm when she finally nodded off.

Not sure what is going on though. She's also eating lots so maybe a growth spurt?

Popped round to see my friend Natalie this afternoon. She has a four month old baby girl (that's not sleeping) and a toddler so I have muchos respect for her. She had a homemade soup on the stove and a calm tidy house, I don't know how she does it?

Audrey was very jealous of baby Lola and while we were there, she acted quite out of character as the attention wasn't on her. She threw a few little tantrums. When I held Lola, it sent her into floods of tears.

Ironically as we were leaving, Audrey enthusiastically shouted "Bye bye baby" but I think it was less of a pleasantry and more of a relief.

But what did she want to play with when we got home? Her baby doll (see pic). Contrary little madam that she is.

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