Misty Morning
Without fail every time I wake up and it's misty/foggy outside I think of the English folk band, Steeleye Span, who had a song 'One Misty, Misty Morning'. I have liked this song from a very young age (about 5) as it is based on a very old children's nursery rhyme with the same title. Here is the first verse of the song:
"One misty moisty morning when cloudy was the weather
I met with an old man a-clothed all in leather
He was clothed all in leather with a cap beneath his chin
Singing how do you do and how do you do and how do you do again
This rustic was a thresher as on his way he hied
And with a leather bottle fast buckled by his side
He wore no shirt upon his back but wool unto his skin
Singing how do you do and how do you do and how do you do again
I went a little further and there I met a maid
A-going a-milking, a-milking Sir she said
Then I began to compliment and she began to sing
Saying how do you do and how do you do and how do you do again"
The lead singer, Maddy Prior has a hauntingly powerful voice which reflects the eerily misty scenes which I imagine in my head.
Today driving into work it was so foggy it was almost impossible to get a shot of any quality as visibility was so short. I've added the text to the image as it was a little too bland for my liking.
Thanks for dropping by
Mr Bo Hingles
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