Cider with Rosie

I'm reading Cider with Rosie for the first time, despite having heard many excerpts from it when I was at school - I went to a a Girls' Grammar school which was very focused on academic achievement and the arts, and had very little religious focus, and as a result our morning assemblies rarely featured prayers and hymns (actually I don't think we ever sang a single hymn, and I certainly never saw a hymn book), but usually consisted of readings which had a philosophical nature. Our deputy headmaster particularly loved Cider with Rosie so when he took assemblies would invariably read to us from it, and just last week a copy of it found its way to me, so I'm quite eager to delve in and see if I recognise any of it.

It's funny, having written that paragraph it's just occurred to me how much I am a product of my school... I studied to post-grad level, love the theatre and literature and have no religious tendencies. And to think I spent most of my time there thinking I was a rebel!

Work is very busy at the moment and I have had no time to look at your blips today, but I will try to make some time tomorrow. Please bear with me. x

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