St.Michael's Church, Baddesley Clinton

I started off the day trying to get some 'interesting' foggy morning blips - and they were OK-ish but then Mum invited me out to lunch at Packwood - so I took the camera over there. It turned out that although the cafe was open the gardens weren't so all I could blip were the yew trees from across a field and the house from the road. Neither exactly earth shattering.
I found myself with an hour to kill before the school run and Baddesley was only 5 minutes away - so I headed over there.

As luck would have it there was a lot of fluffy cloud around and I was a bit spoilt for choice. I could have used my usual spot with the moat framed by the house but I have never walked along the path to the church before. It is still in regular use and very well maintained - and a deserving blip.

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