
By torz

Trolley dash

Not the best photo today!

After Alfie's swimming lesson we had to nip to the supermarket for some bits for tea. When Alfie is at nursery I sometimes let Alister walk to the shop with me, it's literally just round the corner & he's been enjoying been let loose.

Alfie wanted to take his trolley to the supermarket so I thought I'd let Alister walk as I wouldn't have shopping to carry. Well what a mistake that was, normally he is good at holding my hand but he just wanted to run off after Alfie & kept throwing himself to the ground when I wouldn't let him go the way he wanted. On the way back Alfie was complaining of having cold hands so he let Alister push the trolley for a while hence the photoblip today. He loves pushing the trolley round the house & loved pushing it round the street too but he kept dashing with it & falling over lol

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