And relax...

A late night & early rise to take Ferguson to his skateboard lesson, where he has significantly improved his the last time- with the help of a bigger board, I came home & planned on doing nothing.
This never ever happens to me as I always find things to do but I knew I needed a rest & nothing was pressing.
With the absence if children, we settled down to catch up on the list tv phenomenon that was Mad Men.
It didn't possess the cliffhangers that Lost has- which I was expecting but it was enjoyable & I think I will ribs myself working my way to seasons 6 and ultimately 7.
Alex took a huge comfort dinner which was a welcome after an unexpected vomiting fit when we got in last night. (I wouldn't have minded so much if I had drank loads..!)
Anyway, an unexpected lazy day which will probably not come back round for a long time.

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