Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

A Bite out of my . . . time!

I love my dentist. He is an exceptional dentist – very knowledgeable, precise, gentle, reasonable – everything you would want for a dentist. He’s semi-retired now, and only takes his long standing patients. He’s a great dentist!

Then there is my . . . mouth. I was born with a very small mouth (much as a few would dispute this!). And I have three more teeth than the normal person. Also, I have “bite” problems and temporal mandibular joint disease. I am also resistant to most anesthetic.

And, I have a “thing” about dentists. I DREAD going to the dentist! I hear it is quite common. I have a friend of mine, who is a very tall athletic man. He’s about my age, works out every day, used to be a college football player, has had several broken bones and just had a shoulder reconstruction. He's fearless. He’s doing great now. But, he was telling me that when he has to go to the dentist – even for a cleaning – he is like a little 6 year old boy. The minute he walks into the office, his lower lip starts quivering and by the time he is in the dental chair he is in tears. He has to have nitrous gas when he gets his teeth cleaned and sedated when he has major work done. And he has good reason to be fearful. His father was a dentist and didn’t believe in using anesthesia on his patients. After school, my friend had to spend his afternoons in his father’s dental office, hearing his patients yell, scream and moan. That would be enough to traumatize anyone!

Today I had to have one tooth crowned and two cavities filled. My dentist is now able to make the crowns in his office, which saves money. But it means a very long dental appointment. After 3 rounds of anesthetic shots (told I was resistant), he was finally able to finish drilling. Thank goodness for my iPhone and earbuds! Well, it took over three hours, but I was finally done.

While not too bad a time today – just really sore - it just reinforced my displeasure at going to the dentist! But, as I already said, I really love my dentist!

I wasn’t going to blip a sunset today, but after my adventures today, I really didn’t feel like doing anything else. But, I loved the cloud formations in this sunset. So, rather than post the usual sunset, I decided to give you this in mono instead. It really accentuates the wispy clouds. But for the sunset purists out there, Here is the color version.

Thank you for all of the great comments, stars and hearts on yesterday's blip - Blast from the Past .

Go large for more wisps!

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